
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure


Week beginning 28/06/21

Monday - Mass, identifying which is heavier/heaviest and lighter/lightest

Go round your house and find 6 to 8 objects which are a variety of weights.
Tell the adult you are with which you think is the heaviest and why, and which you think is the lightest and why.

Choose two objects and put an object in each hand, using your own judgement, which is the heaviest? Which is the lightest?
Make a table like the one attached to record your results.

Maybe if you have weighing scales at home, you could weigh your objects too to see if you were right in stating whether they were heavy or light!

Tuesday- odd and even numbers

What is an odd number? What is an even number?
Watch the video on the link below to learn  little bit more about how we find odd and even numbers.

You need 10 individual socks and two bowls. You need to identify what numbers are odd and which are even using the socks to help you.
Start off with one sock, can you put it in both bowls and share it equally? If not, it must be odd! If you can, it must be even!
Have an explore starting with 1 sock, then 2, then 3 until you get to sharing 10 socks. Remember when starting on a new number, to take out all the socks so you do not get confused. 
Make a list of all the odd and even numbers up to 10. 

Wednesday - Halving

What do I mean by halving?
Can you halve some items in your home.
Go through the below powerpoints and explore halving number and shape.

Maybe see if you can half some items throughout the rest of the day! 

Thursday - Subtraction

What do I mean by the word subtract?
When I say subtract, or subtraction, I mean taking away to find a new total.

For example, 7 - 3 =?
I would need 7 buttons, and would need to take away 3. Then I would count how many I would have left... being 4!

Another way to subtract is to use a numberline and start at the number you're subtracting from.
Start at the number 7, then hop back 3 jumps, landing on 4!

Have a go at solving the calculations below.

10-4 =                       8-4 =
6-3 =                         15 - 3 = 
14- 5 =                       9-8 = 

Friday - numbers to 20

Can you count all the way to 20? Remember  to say thirteen, not thirty.
Look at the numbers below. Can you recognise all the numerals?
Can you write the numbers in the correct order. Be sure to check your numeral formation!


Can you count back from 20 too??

Friday 25/06/21
Number bonds to 10

How many ways can you make 10??
Using a tens frame as shown below, choose two coloured pens and see how many ways you can make 10. When you find a new way, write it as a calculation and upload on to Tapestry. 

Watch numberblocks, series 2, Blast Off 

Watch the maths videos below.
Once you have done this, click the White Rose Activity link and find the current weeks learning (the name of the weeks learning will be in the title). Next to each session that week, it will show you an activity to do after.

Week beginning 01/03/21
Building 9 & 10! 
Week 2

Monday - counting back from 10

Still image for this video

Tuesday - comparing numbers within 10

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Wednesday - comparing numbers within 10

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Thursday - making 10

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Friday - making 10

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Week beginning 22/02/21
Building 9 & 10! 
Week 1 

Monday- representing and sorting 9 and 10

Still image for this video

Tuesday- representing and sorting 9 and 10

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Wednesday- Ordering numbers to 10

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Thursday - composition of 9 and 10

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Friday- numbers to 10 bingo

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Week beginning 08/02/2021
Growing 6, 7, 8! Week 3

Monday- comparing height

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week 3

Tuesday - comparing length

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week 3

Wednesday- days of the week

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week 3

Thursday - measuring height

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week 3

Friday - measuring time

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week 3

Week beginning 01/02/2021
Growing 6, 7, 8! Week 2

Monday - Matching 6, 7, 8

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Week 2

Tuesday - Making pairs

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week 2

Wednesday - Combining 2 groups

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week 2

Thursday - Combining 2 groups

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week 2

Friday - Adding more

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week 2

Week beginning 25/01/2021
Growing 6, 7, 8! Week 1 

Monday - Growing 6, 7, 8! Session 1 with Miss Gooding

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week 1

Tuesday - Growing 6, 7, 8! Session 2 with Miss Gooding

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week 1

Wednesday - Growing 6, 7, 8! Session 3 with Miss Gooding

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week 1

Thursday - Growing 6, 7, 8! Session 4 with Miss Gooding

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week 1

Week beginning 18/01/21

Monday - Alive in 5! Session 1 with Miss Gooding

Still image for this video

Tuesday - Alive in 5! session 2 with Miss Gooding

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Wednesday - Alive in 5! session 3 with Miss Gooding

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Thursday - Alive in 5! Session 4 with Miss Gooding

Still image for this video