Respect Resilience Responsibility
'Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum in each subject. The curriculum is sequenced from Reception to Year 6 so that pupils can use what they know to learn something more complex.'
OFSTED March 2022
At Milton Park we aim to work with all children and their families to provide the children in our care with a well-rounded broad curriculum that not only address children’s needs academically but emotionally and socially. We want every child that attends Milton Park to reach their full potential and to build on the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens.
Our Curriculum Rationale
At Milton Park our curriculum is designed to build on and link from prior learning. We use the national curriculum to plot our sequence of lessons and build on previous learning providing children with challenge. We want our children to be curious and ambitious with their learning showing determination and resilience. We want our children at Milton Park to embrace our school values and to have no limits to their ambition and aspiration for their future.
Although we use the national curriculum as a starting point we want our children to use the vibrancy of our great town and surrounding area to learn from other cultures, respect diversity, co-operate with one another and appreciate what they have. Our strong Spiritual, Moral and Social curriculum, British Values and school values is at the core and the heart of everything that we do at Milton. During their time at Milton, we want to provide our children with enriching, unforgettable and memorable opportunities which are normally out of our children’s reach. We want to really inspire our children and ensure we offer added value.
Whilst constructing our curriculum we have carefully considered how we want to implement it and what this will look like for our school community. We incorporate our School Values and British values into our curriculum.
Our curriculum is clearly sequenced building on previous knowledge and the skills children require to access the curriculum.
Year group topics are clearly planned, throughout the year, out allowing pupils and staff to have an understanding of how the topic fits in the wider picture. Each year group then produces termly overviews showing the progression. Teams are given the flexibility to plan the overviews depending on the needs of the cohort and how the local community can support the development of this topic. Subjects are taught discreetly or meaningful links made if appropriate. All pupils have access to the curriculum and where appropriate children will be supported to access it. Our short term plans are planned weekly or daily with the teachers setting learning objectives and identifying fun and engaging activities. Currently, most subjects are taught weekly with the exception of Geography and History and links made where possible.
To make judgements on pupils progress, staff at Milton use summative and formative assessment to inform their short term and long term planning including foundation subjects. Formative assessment frameworks are used to systematically assess what children know and give summative assessments judgements for the core subjects. This information is used by the Headteacher, senior leaders and subject leaders to monitor the impact of the curriculum.
Pupil progress meetings are conducted half termly where staff get the opportunity to discuss assessments and pupils progress allowing the Headteacher, senior leaders and governors to have an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the quality of education in our school. Monitoring cycle across the school is set at the beginning of each academic year across all subject areas and include book looks, pupil, parent of staff voice, resources and learning visits and lesson observations.
All of this information is collated and reviewed and used to inform further curriculum developments and provision is adapted accordingly.
Making the curriculum accessible for all.
Here at Milton Park we value the abilities and achievements of ALL our children, and are committed to providing for each the best possible environment for learning. We are proud of what we are able to offer. We recognise the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broadly based curriculum. Our Special Education Needs policy acknowledges the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. The Governing Body ensures that appropriate provision is made for all pupils with SEN.
~We aim to:~
We recognise that many children will experience special needs at some time during their school life. Whilst many factors contribute to the range of difficulties experienced by some children, we believe that much can be done to overcome them by parents, teachers and children working together.
Our SEND report provides further information on how we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014