
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure

Intent Implement Impact


Our balanced music curriculum at Milton Park Primary School aims for every child to have access to high-quality, practical and engaging musical experiences. We want all children to develop the self-confidence, skills, knowledge and understanding to develop a lifelong love of music. 


As they move through school, children will develop an understanding of:

  • Meaning
  • Listening
  • Notation
  • Rhythm
  • Pulse
  • Pitch
  • Composition (instrumental and lyrical)
  • Improvisation
  • Performance (solo and ensemble)
  • Culture


By having access to musical opportunities through the use of technology, instruments, singing and visitors to the school, children will have tangible experiences that will deepen their musical understanding. As a result, children will be able to explore musical avenues and make deliberate, well-thought out choices in their musical practices.


The music curriculum is taught in specific sequences across each year group so that children are progressing their skills, with links to other curriculum areas. We aim for the lessons to engage and inspire a love of music in the children and increase their self-esteem. Through solo and collaborative working opportunities, children are supported in extending their creativity and taking pride in their musical achievement. 


Sing Up's music curriculum and scheme of work represents a complete and progressive library of resources that meets the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, the National Curriculum and suggested approaches of the Model Music Curriculum. In their time at Milton Park Primary School, the children will know how to:

- Sing

- Actively listen

- Compose

- Perform


Covering a broad and diverse range of repertoire, approaches and musical traditions, music at Milton Park supports a fully integrated approach to musical development connecting the interrelated strands of singing, playing, improvising, composing, listening and appraising.


The instrumental work is differentiated which allows children to move through the relevant parts according to their needs. SEN resources are also available, including signed versions of songs.  Having an integrated approach to musical learning places value on the whole music experience. Thus, children are learning music through these activities.


During their time at Milton Park, children will have the opportunity to participate in whole school singing, nativities/ Christmas concerts, music festivals and drama and music workshops from external visitors.


  • Children will be able to apply the British values: tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law, democracy and liberty in their musical exploration.
  • Children will be confident musicians who will be able to accomplish a variety of goals both in school and beyond.
  • Children will recognise the how music differs around the world, how this broadens our understanding of others and connects us to other cultures.
  • Children will recognise that music is an expressive means in which they can share the things that are important to them. This is fundamental in supporting their mental wellbeing.
  • Children will be able to explore ways in which they can use music to bring the community together.