
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure


“Why crush behaviours with punishment when you can grow them with love? Visible consistency with visible kindness allows exceptional behaviour to flourish.”

                Paul Dix, ‘When The Adults Change, Everything Changes’, 2017


At Milton Park Primary School, we aim to grow positive behaviours in a happy, safe, caring, stimulating and inclusive environment.


We believe promoting good behaviour amongst our pupils is a shared responsibility. All those who work with the school, governors, parents, the wider community and the children, all have a vital role to play. As members of the school community, all stakeholders should build positive relationships with each other and we expect each individual to respect others, their families, culture and beliefs, as part of the high standards of behaviour, that we have at Milton Park.


By implementing the principles of Restorative Practice helps us to focus on building better relationships with each other, taking the time to ensure that every member of our school community feels listened to, valued and respected. We support pupils in developing the skills to maintain positive relationships with others and to resolve disagreements and problems themselves. It is our role to educate our pupils to understand how their behaviour affects others and its impact on others. Pupils are supported to identify ways they can put right the harm they have caused. We are helping them to become empathic, considerate people who have the skills to avoid and resolve problems independently.




  • To develop positive relationships through a restorative approach, which promote self-esteem, self-discipline and which establish clear expectations of all members of the school community.
  • Through shared expectations and a consistent approach we aim to promote a harmonious working environment where all can develop their skills of working both independently and cooperatively.
  • By creating a sensitive and supportive atmosphere, we want all children to be happy and confident with each other and in their work.
  • To establish a partnership approach which draws on all those involved with the school.
  • To provide systems which promote positive behaviour and which support all members of the school community.
  • To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our relationships and behaviour policy and procedures.



Expectations for Behaviour:

It just takes 3...

We are responsible

We are respectful

We are resilient 





Several Times On Purpose (STOP).

We want all children, regardless of their individual circumstances, to be happy, confident and successful. In order to fully achieve this vision, we need children to feel safe and secure both in our school and in the wider community. We want children to feel as though they can talk about their emotions and come to us to express concerns or worries, no matter how small they may perceive them to be.

Working as part of a collective school team, including parents and the wider community, we want to equip children with the necessary skills to prevent and deal with harmful or challenging situations using restorative practices.

By teaching our children this knowledge and capability, we instil in them the power to become not only happy, confident and successful children but happy, confident and successful adults too.

If children are happy, safe and secure in their school environment, this will have an impact on staff well-being and children’s learning. Our behaviour  policy aims to set out our whole school approach to anti-bullying including how to monitor, record and report situations and incidents to achieve our ultimate goal: to prevent bullying behaviour. It is imperative that all members of staff, parents and governors have a clear understanding of this  to ensure consistency throughout the school and across the community. Bullying is everyone’s business.

Bullying is the deliberate, pre-meditated and REPEATED physical verbal or emotional assault of an individual or group, by a single person or group. 

What should you do if you think your child is being bullied?


Parents who believe their child has been harmed as a result of bullying, or believes their child is harming others, should share their concerns with the school at the earliest opportunity and be prepared to work with the school to keep the children safe. The first port of call should be to contact the class teacher. All expressions of concern will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly and, if there is a concern regarding incidents of bullying, this will be shared with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher and safeguarding team. Support will be provided by the pastoral team. Should parents still be concerned, contact should be made with the Headteacher or the Deputy Headteacher.
