
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure

Over subscription procedures

Over subscription procedures

If a school receives more applications than the admission number, the oversubscription criteria will be used to determine who will be allocated places. All applications will be ranked in accordance with the criteria given in order of priority

  1. Looked after or children previously looked after  at the time of application and children who were previously in Care but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order) immediately following having been in Care.
  2.  Children whose brother or sister will be attending the school at the time of admission.
  3. Children living closest to the school.

Within each criterion, priority will be given to children living closest to the school measured in a direct line.



Looked after or previously looked after children


Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. This includes any child/young person who is subject to a Full Care Order, an interim Care Order, accommodated under Section 22(1) of the Children Act1989, is remanded or detained into local authority accommodation under Criminal Law or who has been placed for adoption.


In the case of previously looked after children, a copy of the adoption order, residence order or special guardianship order and a letter from the local authority that last looked after the child confirming that he or she was looked after immediately prior to that order should be submitted with the application form.



Siblings are children with a brother or sister already at the school who will still be in attendance at the time the sibling enters the school. Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either:


  1. Have one or both natural parents in common; or
  2. Are related by a parent’s marriage; or
  3. Are adopted or fostered by a common parent.


Unrelated children living at the same address, whose parents are living as partners, are also considered to be siblings.



Distances are calculated on the basis of a straight line measurement between the applicant’s home address and the school’s front gate on Milton Park Road. North Somerset Council uses a computerised system which measures all distances in metres. Ordnance Survey supplies the co-ordinates that are used to plot an applicant’s home address within this system
