Term 1 - 08.10.21
Our children are the heart of our school and we think it is important to listen to thier views on everything we do.
During term one, we met with children from year 2 - 6 to discuss some key questions about bullying. Here are the questions that were discussed:
Key Questions:
What is bullying?
Do you know what bullying is?
Who can you talk to in school with a worry?
Do we have bullying at Milton Park?
Responses from children in Year 2 to Year 6.
What is bullying?
When someone is being mean consistently.
When someone is physical or mean things everyday.
Repeated action.
Constantly doing it.
Someone being rude to you. Just take over your game.
If someone doing something mean every day that’s bullying. If it’s once then its not bullying.
When someone is alone, they are bullying you. Saying mean words to you.
It’s when someone is annoying you and doing mean stuff.
Do you know what bullying is?
Upset, names, cyber bullying.
Making fun of your insecurities.
Cyber bullying – I think it’s when people bully online.
Physical bullying and emotional bullying.
Who can you talk to in school with a worry?
Friends, trusted adult, Mrs Jorden if it gets that bad. Mrs F.B and Mrs Holden.
Tell a teacher.
Tell Mrs F.B / Mrs Holden.
Tell my parents.
Do we have bullying at Milton Park?
What would you do if you saw bullying?
Pupil voice - from assembly within our classes - 23.11.21