
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure

Daily Mile

What is the Daily Mile?


The aim of the Daily Mile is to improve the physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age or personal circumstances.

It is a profoundly simple but effective concept, which any primary school can implement. Its impact can be transformational- improving not only the childrens’ fitness, but also their concentration levels, mood, behaviour and general wellbeing.

The Daily Mile Works!

The Daily Mile is successful because it is simple and free:

1 It takes place over just 15 minutes, with children averaging a mile each day.

2 Children run outside in the fresh air – and the weather is a benefit, not a barrier.

3 There’s no set up, tidy up, or equipment required.

4 Children run in their uniforms so no kit or changing time is needed.

5 It’s social, non-competitive and fun.

6 It’s fully inclusive; every child, whatever their circumstances, age or ability, succeeds at The Daily Mile.


Have you heard? The Daily Mile contributes to raising attainment.

The first published scientific study on the impact of The Daily Mile, conducted in the London Borough of Waltham Forest, has shown running The Daily Mile to have a dramatic impact on SATs results against predicted grades.
Pupils at Coppermill Primary School were measured for a number of factors as they took up The Daily Mile in 2016- including fitness, self-reported wellbeing, and academic achievement. It was known ,of course, that they would get fitter- which they drastically did- and that they would start feeling significantly happier and better in their bodies. But perhaps most impressive was the finding from this pilot study that grades went up remarkably against expected results, with pupils achieving up to 25% higher in reading, writing and maths.

Want to know more?…

If your interested in finding out more about the programme then why not check out their website…
