Special Education Needs in Modern Foreign Languages How do we ensure all children can access MFL lessons?
Modern foreign language lessons are differentiated in a variety of ways. We ensure that we vary our teaching styles to suit the children in the class through visual aids, hands on learning, auditory clips as well as discussion and simplification of language where needed. By giving students additional supportive tools they are able to learn at their own pace. Use of repetition in order for students with processing needs are able to hear the language and pronunciation several times in order to learn the vocabulary. Overlays can be used for using already prepared resources to enable to students learning to progress.
How does MFL at Milton Park Prepare children with Special Educational Needs for the future?
MFL aids the development of SEND students in a variety of ways. They can refine their socialisation skills through active play with their peers. Students with SEND enjoy modern foreign languages, whether exploring areas of the curriculum or learning about the cultural aspect, this may encourage them to improve their literacy. Verbal communication or verbal practice can aid language development as well as communication by using a repetition or parrot method to embed the phonetic sounds of the language. Teamwork and leadership skills are developed and improved through active French lessons. Self-esteem, confidence and morale can be increased and boosted when a child takes part in group discussions and able to communicate within the new language taught. Fine Motor skills are used with written work to develop their understanding and their inquisitive minds in the written French language. Through encouragement, learners will develop resilience when unsure of unknown sounds, words and punctuation. Within the curriculum we teach there are cross links with DT, History, Geography and maths. These subjects are just a few examples of the crossover and how it allows the students to continue to develop their knowledge through another intriguing way.