SEN Information Report: September 2024
The purpose of the information report is to inform parents and carers about how we welcome, support and make effective provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Milton Park Primary School is committed to providing a safe, secure yet challenging learning environment where all pupils feel confident and are able to flourish regardless of their additional needs. We are part of the Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN) and some of our policies that support this document are adopted from ELAN and some are school specific.
We enhance the curriculum to ensure we meet the needs of all children and enable access to all areas of learning.
Our staff have high levels of skills, knowledge and expertise in providing first class education for children with a range of needs. This includes:
What kind of additional needs are provided for?
Milton Park is a mainstream, inclusive school that fully complies with the requirements set out in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2014). We also have an Autism Resource Base, The Den, which opened in September 2023 which allows for an adapted learning environment for up to 10 children that all have an EHCP and an Autism diagnosis. Places for this are agreed by consultation through North Somerset. All staff within the school receive regular Professional Development to ensure their knowledge and skills are to the highest standard. Some of our staff have more specific training given to help them support children with more specific needs.
We support children with a variety of additional needs covering all areas (cognition and learning, social, mental and emotional health, communication and interaction, as well as sensory and/or physical needs).
We make reasonable adjustments to our practices and provision to comply with the Equality Act (2010).
What do I do if I think my child has child has additional needs?
Please discuss any concerns with your child’s class teacher, who can liaise with the SENDCo or a member of the SEND team.
How does the school identify and assess children with additional needs?
The SEND Code of Practice defines a pupil as having SEND:
‘Where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’
At Milton Park, we recognise the importance of identifying needs early to ensure that pupils are able to achieve their full potential. The purpose of identification is to work out what action we need to take in order to address pupils’ particular needs. For some pupils, SEND can be identified at an early age. However, for other pupils difficulties become evident only as they develop. All staff are alert to emerging difficulties so we can respond early.
We acknowledge that parents know their children best and we feel that it is important to listen and understand when parents express concerns about their child. Our staff work closely with the pupil, their parents/carers and external professionals to build a holistic profile of the pupil’s individual needs. By working together, we can put the best provision in place to meet the needs of each individual pupil.
Additional needs are identified in the following ways:
Milton Park’s system for observing, assessing and recording the progress of all pupils is used to identify individuals who are not progressing at the expected level or have become “stuck,” despite high quality teaching that is differentiated for individual pupils, and therefore may have additional needs.
We follow a graduated support approach which is called Assess, Plan, Do, Review. This means that we will:
Assess a child’s special educational needs
Plan the provision to meet your child’s aspirations and agreed outcomes
Do put the provision in place to meet those outcomes
Review the support and progress
How will parents / carers of children with additional needs be consulted about, and involved in the education of their children:
We value our relationships with parents / carers and recognise that parental involvement is vital to successfully meeting the needs of children with additional needs. We work with parents / carers in the following ways:
How will children with additional needs be consulted about and involved in their education?
We try to involve children in all things which will impact them and their time in school. Familiar staff will have conversations with them about what is happening and any worries. They will be consulted regarding likes, dislikes and any questions or things they think should happen, with school including their views in paperwork as required.
If appropriate, children will have the opportunity to attend meetings regarding them and any additional needs. If this is not felt to be appropriate, then their views will be gathered beforehand and shared.
The way a child’s views are gathered will be adapted depending on their age and needs.
What are the arrangements for assessing and reviewing pupils’ progress towards outcomes?
Ongoing assessment of progress and provision ensures all children access effective learning opportunities. Assessment procedures include:
What support is there available for improving emotional and social development of children:
Children’s social and emotional development affects their behaviour and their learning. We support their development in this area by:
For further information, please see the ELAN SEN and inclusion policy, anti –bullying policy and the pastoral information on the website.
We work hard to ensure all children are able to access all aspects of the curriculum and the school environment, including external visits and camp.
Participation in the Curriculum
We provide all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to be inclusive of the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning styles: and endorses the key principles in the current National Curriculum framework, which underpins the development of a more inclusive curriculum:
What are the arrangements for supporting pupils moving between phases of education?
When children enter school into our Reception classes, we liaise closely with our preschool staff, as well as taking part in the Link Programme run by North Somerset where requested. Before entry, the Reception class teacher, SENDCo, parents and other professionals will meet to discuss the child’s strengths and areas of need. We ensure all previous records/reports are transferred to us and read by all staff supporting the child. We also plan a personalised transition programme, detailing additional visits, timings for the school day if these need to be adjusted to reduce anxiety for the child. This plan will be regularly reviewed and adapted as required. It is vital the child is able to build trust with school staff.
If your child is due to transition to secondary school, our SENDco, along with your child’s Year 6 teacher, will meet with the SENDCo of your child’s new school and discuss your child’s individual needs and what provision is currently in place for them. Additional visits for both parent and pupil to their new school can be arranged.
Where appropriate, some children with SEND will have personalised transition plans for movement within school year groups.
Children and parents are always involved in all stages of transition.
What is Milton Parks approach to teaching children with SEND?
We recognise and value all of our children as individuals and are committed to offering an inclusive education and learning environment, which enables all children to reach or exceed their potential and learn alongside their peers wherever possible. Once a child is identified as having SEND there are a range of interventions and support which can be provided to enable them to make progress.
How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with additional needs?
We believe that inclusive education means supporting all pupils to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life alongside their peers. Our curriculum includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also a range of additional opportunities to enrich the experiences of our children. Our curriculum also includes the social aspects that are essential for life-long learning, personal growth and development of independence. Teaching staff are also supported by the SENDCo to develop appropriate provision.
Adaptations might include:
What additional support for learning is available to children with additional needs?
In addition to the adaptations already identified above, Milton Park regularly seeks advice from and works with other professionals, these include advisory teachers, health services, Educational Psychologists and North Somerset SEND team staff to ensure the individual needs of a child are fully met.
What training and expertise is available to support children with SEND, and how is specialist expertise secured?
We regularly invest time and money in training our staff to maintain high quality provision for all pupils and to develop enhanced skills and knowledge to deliver interventions. All staff have up-to-date safeguarding and Prevent training and are also trauma- informed.
Appropriate staff will undergo regular training to fully meet the needs of the children with whom they work. Staff will be trained in a child’s SEND management regime and / or to meet individual needs as they are identified in Healthcare Plans / in response to advice from external agencies. Training needs are identified through regular audits of staff expertise and need, training update requirements and advice from parents/carers and professionals. Resources are purchased as and when they are required and / or recommended by professionals working with an individual child.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinators (SENDCo) are qualified teachers and hold the National Award for SENDCos. All of our teachers hold qualified teacher status and all staff members receive regular training to best support our children with SEND. This takes place during staff meetings, INSET days and training courses.
How will equipment and facilities to support children and young people with SEND be secured?
Specialist equipment, adaptations and extra support is initially secured through the school’s budget.
If a child requires very high levels of specialist support and resources then school will seek further assistance from external professionals, as well as accessing further support via the local authority’s funding process.
Decisions regarding support are bespoke and based on a child’s needs and what school can reasonably provide without causing detriment to other children’s learning. We are always happy to discuss the support in place with parents/ carers and explore any changes which may be required to further meet a child’s needs.
Milton Park is based within a building that is over 100 years old. In September 2023, part of our school was converted to be able to be able to build an Autism resource hub for up 10 children. This is a resource base funded by North Somerset and is part of the Milton Park School. Where possible, we have ramps and railings to assist those that may have a physical impairment and this is consistently reviewed by our site management team. Provision is made for evacuating disabled children and adults with disabilities in the event of an emergency through Personal Evacuation Plans (PEEPs).
We recognise that current building standards are not necessarily exhaustive and are committed to reviewing our facilities on a regular basis and planning in any changes that may become necessary as a result. When external Planners and Designers are employed by the governors, the governors’ policy on Accessibility will be provided to the planner or designer who will be instructed to take account of the policy.
How is the effectiveness of the provision made for pupils with SEND evaluated?
Provision for pupils with SEND is monitored as part of the school monitoring and evaluation cycles which happen throughout the academic year. Additionally the SENDCo will carry out ‘drop in’ visits to observe what is going on in classes, this is then combined with looking at work produced (in whatever way is appropriate for the child) and discussions around progress and data. SENDCos also attend Pupil Progress Meetings (PPMs) with class teachers and SLT. Children, identified with SEND within Milton Park will often have bespoke targets set and these are reviewed at least 3 times per year when the child, parents, teachers, support staff and, if necessary, SENDCo come together to celebrate successes and discuss areas for development. This process forms part of how we monitor the effectiveness of provision.
How are children with SEND enabled to engage in activities with those who do not have SEND?
We are dedicated to involving all our learners in all aspects of the curriculum and school life. We make reasonable adjustments so children can join in activities regardless of their needs.
Additional risk assessments are done to ensure all aspects of concerns are addressed, further thought and consideration is given to put effective control measures or adaptions into place. Parents/Carers will be consulted throughout this process. As a result of careful planning, additional staff may accompany children during activities, in extreme cases we may seek parent/carer support to physically access an activity. As stated in the SEND Code of Practice 2015, we must provide the support to allow children to achieve the best possible education and preparation for secondary school and adulthood.
How does school involve other bodies in meeting the needs of children with SEND and supporting their families?
At Milton we have an open door policy, a large pastoral team, non-teaching SLT and a SENDCo. When needed, school consults with outside agencies to access specialised support and expertise. The SENDCo or a member of the Pastoral team will make a referral to the appropriate service, once there has been a discussion with parents/carers. The agencies accessed by school include (but not limited to):
Positive home school relationships often mean that concerns or complaints can usually be dealt with between parents, carers and school staff. However, when a more formal complaint is made this needs to be in accordance with the ELAN Complaint Procedures which can be found on our website.
Children in care with SEN:
Mrs Jordan, the designated teacher for children in care liaises with the SENDCo, agencies currently involved and carers to discuss progress and monitor learning through:
Link to Local Offer Website:
The Local Offer provides information and advice to parents of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and disabilities between the ages of 0 – 25 years. The local offer will also assist professionals who work with families to find services and support. To find out more about the North Somerset Council offer see below.
Our key policies are available to download from our school website. Please got to: Policies If you would like them provided in another format please contact the school office.
Who to Contact:
Headteacher, Mrs Katharine Jordan
Call: 01934 624868
SENDCo (main school EYFS-Y6) Mrs Pettifor
Call: 01934 624868
SENDCo (Autism Hub) Mrs Adams
Call: 01934 624868
SEND governors, John Sutton
Call: 01934 624868