New for September 2023.
The Hive is our cognition and learning hub run by Miss Kydd, Mrs Moore and Mrs Gemma Parkes. Our cognition and learning groups are for children in KS 2 who are working at a keystage lower than their chronological peers.
Miss Kydd
Mrs Moore
The group runs each morning for English and Maths. Children may attend for both or just one of them. The curriculum is pitched at an appropriate level to challenge and address any gaps in learning so that children are given the best opportunity to make rapid progress.
The children will be collected from class at 9 a.m. and walk to the their class. Provision for the morning is based around their needs and may involve access to additional phonics, daily reading, sight words and using See Saw to work independently.
The atmosphere in the class is nurturing and calm, nd this enables the children to grow in confidence self belief.
In the afternoon the children will return to their class in time for lunchtime.