
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure

Intent Implement Impact

The PE Curriculum



At Milton Park, we aim to deliver a skills lead curriculum which is meaningful, inclusive, educational and engaging.


The PE Curriculum will:

  • Embed a love of lifelong love of being active.
  • Develop a broad range of skills
  • Give all learners an opportunity to progress
  • Have clear progression of knowledge, concepts and skills



At Milton Park, we aim to deliver a skills lead curriculum which is meaningful, inclusive, educational and engaging. Our curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or high needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. This helps to develop a lifelong participation in health whilst developing the whole child.


Physical education is a vital and unique contributor to a pupil’s physical and emotional health and development; even more so now in a time of increasing technology. We believe PE needs to play a significant part in helping children develop a broad range of skills, such as communication, problem solving, resilience and creativity.



Our curriculum is well planned by the PE Lead and SLT and is an ever evolving curriculum. We aim to stay up to date with current trends, working closing with other MAT schools to ensure we continually move forwards. We regularly seek advice from the MAT Sports Champion to progress and develop further. We use RealPE to ensure the sequencing and progression of our curriculum is purposeful and relevant from year to year. We aim to link the assessment into our skills lead curriculum, ensuring children are aware of the expectations of them, but also allowing children to be stretched and challenged when necessary, but also supported to make the next challenge. Across our schools, we have collaborated to form an ambitious assessment target for each child in every topic we deliver.


We link the aims of RealPE with the skills of the national curriculum, ensuring that children have a holistic approach to their learning. We create a safe and supportive environment where everyone belongs and fits so children are able to have a positive relationship with physical activity for life.

We place the child first to develop these positive experiences with PE. Every child valued, included and challenged so every activity has progressions from simple too complex to ensure every child is able to experience success, failure, problem solving and most importantly progress.

Children are encouraged to celebrate working towards their personal bests, but also provided an environment where it is ok to fail and make mistakes as long as the intention is there to try your best, with participation equally as important. This allows even the more able children to be stretched and challenged.


PE lessons are taught once a week where there are two lessons that run: One lesson being skills based from Real PE and the other lesson sport based supported from the PE HUB. For each term each year group follows a different skill and sport so children are able to access a broad and balanced curriculum of exercise. The skills and sports teachers follow is from our updated Curriculum maps. In addition to PE lessons children are also active through our daily mile at break time and exercising in our Active Blast breaks in the classroom.




In PE, teachers undertake formative assessment through the questions they ask the children. This helps teachers to adapt lessons to the needs of the children. Both Real PE and the PE Hub provide key questions to ask the children, teaching points and assessment for learning.


We are also in a trial stage of using summative assessment, which is effective and does not provide teachers with a high workload. We are in the process of developing exception reports that are linked to the learning in each PE lesson.


In staff meetings, teachers discuss what is going well with PE and how PE can be developed.
