
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure

Reading in Year 3

Reading Aloud 

In Year 3, we ask that the children read to an adult at least five times each week and record their endeavours in their Reading Record. The children should bring their reading books home each night and they should be brought back to school each morning.

If you're looking for other ideas, the World Book Day website ( has lots of fun activities that are well worth looking at. In addition, the site also includes free audio-books, including full chapter books, that can be enjoyed by all the family. 

The Book Trust website is also worth visiting (link below). Well-known authors and illustrators share fun activities for you and your family. There are also links to lots of children's authors who are reading or sharing their work in different ways.

Guided Reading 

In Guided Reading, we work in smaller groups where we alternate the activities we do each day. This allows us to work on specific skills within reading each day. 

This term, some of the books the different groups will be reading can be seen below. 
