If you think you may be entitled, please pick up an application form from the school office, from the Town Hall, or by downloading from the link below. Alternatively, click on the weblink below to go straight through to the North Somerset Free School Meals Application site.
Free school meals
There are two schemes for free school meals:
If you claim qualifying benefits and your child is entitled to universal infant school meals, you should still apply for free school meals so:
We ask ALL parents who believe their children would be entitled to free school meals to apply for these, in order that the school can receive this additional funding.
Being eligible for Pupil Premium funding could entitle your child to:
Parents or carers who receive any of the following are entitled to free school meals and Pupil Premium funding:
How to apply
Note - If you are already approved elsewhere for your FSM , please do not reapply using the link below. Any changes in your circumstances may rule your application unsuccessful. Instead, please email and give them your details.
If your child is starting primary school in September, the earliest you should apply is during the summer holidays as we cannot process your application earlier. Applying too early could result in your application being removed.
If you are changing schools within North Somerset, do not reapply, please email so we can transfer your entitlement.
If you are moving into North Somerset from another area you will need to apply on our system and do a referral.
You will need your National insurance number to apply.
The link to the online system is at the bottom of this page.
If you are eligible for free school meals, your entitlement will begin on the day you apply and will last until the end of the school phase your child is in as at 31 March 2022. You will not have to reapply during this time.
You will be able to download an eligibility letter. If you are applying during the school holidays, we will notify the school for you. If you are applying during term time, you’ll need to show the school the letter to get your free meals. Keep a copy of the letter in case the school asks to see it again. You can print it, download it or screenshot it.
If your application isn’t successful, check your National Insurance number and try again. If this doesn’t work, select the ‘referral’ button to let us know what benefits you are on and we’ll ask you for evidence.
Due to the roll out of Universal Credit, all pupils that are currently eligible for free school meals will continue to be eligible for free school meals until the end of the school stage they are in on 31 March 2022.
This means if your child is receiving free school meals at primary school in March 2022, you won’t need to reapply for them until they start secondary school.
If your child moves from primary to secondary school before 31 March 2022, you should not reapply but you do need to confirm your change of school by emailing in the summer holidays before they start secondary school so we can transfer your entitlement to the correct school. Please do not reapply as you may lose your eligibility.
Children do not receive free school meals in college.
If your child changes school or address before 31 March 2022, email so we can update your free school meals record.