
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure


Prevent is about safeguarding individuals from being drawn into terrorism, ensuring those vulnerable to extremist and terrorist ideas are given appropriate advice and support at an early stage. Prevent is no different to any other form of safeguarding from harm.  

Every member of staff, employed by the trust and Milton Park, undergoes Prevent training as part of their induction process following a job appointment. Members of the safeguarding team all attend advanced Prevent (WRAP) training.

Children in school are taught about Prevent through the promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and discussions in the PHSE curriculum of fundamental British values.

We challenge  our children to look at how they can be inclusive in their actions and discussions. We hold regular assemblies and circle times in class to talk about how there are diverse national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom we promote the need for mutual respect and understanding

Safeguarding Prevent Agenda – Educate Against Hate Website launched by Nicky Morgan. This landmark resource is designed to give advice on preventing extremism and helping to protect children and young people from radical views

Useful websites - for help and support 

  •  Help and advise around what to do if you are worried about someone being radicalised 