
Milton Park Primary School

Every day a learning adventure


Welcome to our school


'Pupils behave well in class and around school and are kind to each other ... pupils feel safe because staff care for them and nurture them, leaders ensure that pupils receive high- quality pastoral support. Pupils have opportunities to learn and collaborate with others across the multi-academy trust and develop responsibility towards their local community. Staff support pupils to become responsible citizens. Their strong emphasis on pupils' personal development ensures that pupils are well prepared for their next steps in education. ' 

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 I am delighted to welcome you to Milton Park Primary School. Whether you are a prospective parent or an existing parent you will find everything you need to know about our school here. 


Although the website is comprehensive and you will find everything you need on it, there is nothing better than visiting the school in person. Please make an appointment through the school office and a member of the senior leadership will show you around.


Milton Park is a special place to learn and come where we support all pupils to develop and grow into confident and happy learners. Our school is steeped in history and has been part of the community of Milton since 1907. 



Our purpose is:

 To provide children with the environment, support and tools they need to grow, develop resilience and thrive.



Our school is:

 A warm, vibrant and caring school where all that attend and work are proud to be a part of.  Milton Park Primary is part of an established community situated on the outskirts of Weston-super-Mare in North Somerset where the school has played a pivotal part for over 100 years. As an established school Milton has seen many families leave and then return as parents and it is renowned for its sense of family. It is a great place to learn and grow where children are at the heart of everything.


Our school is proud to be part of the Extend Learning Academies Network. To find out more, please visit 

To contact Extend Learning Academies Network please call 01934 427134 or email

Extend Learning Academies Network Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Adam Matthews.

Katharine Jordan - Headteacher

